Fr Novati Jonas Mtae: A Beacon of Humble Leadership and Lifelong Learning
In the bustling halls of The Institute of Accountancy in Arusha, Tanzania, one student stands out not just for his academic pursuits, but for his profound dedication to servant leadership and continuous learning. Fr Novati Jonas Mtae, an esteemed scholar of the Next Generation Leadership Programme (NGLP), is pursuing his Bachelor of Accountancy, not just as a means to gain knowledge but as a tool to better serve his diocese and the Church at large.
Fr Novati’s journey with NGLP began with guidance from his bishop. “The Programme of NGLP was introduced to me by my Bishop, who advised me to study accountancy. It seemed fitting for me as a priest to learn accountancy, enabling me to learn management,” he shares. His commitment to being a responsible steward of church resources led him to this unique academic path.
Throughout his studies, Fr Novati’s educational experience has been multifaceted, incorporating seminars on critical topics such as child protection, servant leadership, and executive management. These seminars, he emphasizes, have enriched his understanding of leadership and shaped him into a better servant leader, focused on serving the people of God.
For Fr Novati, leadership is not just a position; it’s an embodiment of humility and service. He asserts, “A good leader has to be an example to the people he leads, and he has to be humble. Being a servant leader follows the example of Christ, who taught us humility and how to serve others.”
In his interactions with his fellow students, Fr Novati practices what he preaches. He engages with them on their level, speaking their language and fostering an environment where everyone feels free to express themselves. “Learning should not have limits, no matter what age one is,” he affirms. Fr Novati understands that true leadership lies in being approachable and relatable, qualities he embodies effortlessly.
As he grows, both academically and spiritually, Fr Novati is confident that his experiences with NGLP will continue to shape him, providing valuable insights into effective leadership and humility in service. “I have learned to humble myself before leaders and those who know me,” he states, highlighting the importance of humility in all interactions.
Fr Novati Jonas Mtae’s story is one of dedication, humility, and the unyielding pursuit of knowledge. He exemplifies the core values of NGLP and stands as a testament to the program’s ability to mould exceptional leaders who serve their communities with grace and wisdom.